Temporal and Probabilistic Reasoning
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This page contains several constraint satisfaction papers that are specifically concerned with temporal and probabilistic reasoning (and representation). The temporal reasoning papers grew out of my collaboration with Matthew Beaumont after I became a co-supervisor for his PhD thesis. My main insight was to see how local search algorithms could be applied to the interval algebra problems that Matthew was studying. This work continued in Duc Nghia Pham’s PhD thesis and culminated in our showing how interval algebra problems can be more efficiently solved by representing them as satisfiability problems (see AIJ 2008).
There are also two papers (ADC 2004 and TIME-ICTL 2003) connected with an idea that occurred to me in a research group meeting about how to represent the present moment (i.e. now) in bitemporal database systems. And finally I assisted in the preparation of two probabilistic reasoning papers (PRICAI 2012 and JIST 2011) as part of a collaboration with Kewen Wang on an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant.

Ramachandran, R., Wang, K., Wang, J. & Thornton, J. R. (2012). Probabilistic Reasoning in DL-Lite. PRICAI 2012: 12th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7458, 480-491, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743.
Abstract: The problem of extending description logics with uncertainty has received significant attention in recent years. In this paper, we investigate a probabilistic extension of DL-Lite, a family of tractable description logics. We first present a new probabilistic semantics for terminological knowledge bases based on the notion of types. The semantics proposed is not capable of handling assertional knowledge. In order to reason with both terminological and assertional probabilistic knowledge, we propose a probabilistic semantics based on a finite semantics for DL-Lite called features. This approach enables us to infer new information from the existing knowledge base by drawing on the inherent relation between a probabilistic TBox and a probabilistic ABox.
Sotomayor, M., Wang, K., Shen, Y. & Thornton, J. R. (2011). Probabilistic Multi-context Systems. JIST 2011: Joint International Semantic Technology Conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7185, 366-375, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743.
Abstract: The concept of contexts is widely used in artificial intelligence. Several recent attempts have been made to formalize multi-context systems (MCS) for ontology applications. However, these approaches are unable to handle probabilistic knowledge. This paper introduces a formal framework for representing and reasoning about uncertainty in multi-context systems (called p-MCS). Some important properties of p-MCS are presented and an algorithm for computing the semantics is developed. Examples are also used to demonstrate the suitability of p-MCS.
Pham, D. N., Thornton, J. R. & Sattar, A. (2008). Modelling and Solving Temporal Reasoning as Propositional Satisfiability. Artificial Intelligence. 172(15), 1752-1782, ISSN 0004-3702.
Abstract: Representing and reasoning about time dependent information is a key research issue in many areas of computer science and artificial intelligence. One of the best known and widely used formalisms for representing interval-based qualitative temporal information is Allen’s interval algebra (IA). The fundamental reasoning task in IA is to find a scenario that is consistent with the given information. This problem is in general NP-complete.
In this paper, we investigate how an interval-based representation, or IA network, can be encoded into a propositional formula of Boolean variables and/or predicates in decidable theories. Our task is to discover whether satisfying such a formula can be more efficient than finding a consistent scenario for the original problem. There are two basic approaches to modelling an IA network: one represents the relations between intervals as variables and the other represents the end-points of each interval as variables. By combining these two approaches with three different Boolean satisfiability (SAT) encoding schemes, we produced six encoding schemes for converting IA to SAT. In addition, we also showed how IA networks can be formulated into satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) formulae based on the quantifier-free integer difference logic (QF-IDL). These encodings were empirically studied using randomly generated IA problems of sizes ranging from 20 to 100 nodes. A general conclusion we draw from these experimental results is that encoding IA into SAT produces better results than existing approaches. More specifically, we show that the new point-based 1-D support SAT encoding of IA produces consistently better results than the other alternatives considered. In comparison with the six different SAT encodings, the SMT encoding came fourth after the point-based and interval-based 1-D support schemes and the point-based direct scheme. Further, we observe that the phase transition region maps directly from the IA encoding to each SAT or SMT encoding, but, surprisingly, the location of the hard region varies according to the encoding scheme. Our results also show a fixed performance ranking order over the various encoding schemes.
Pham, D. N., Thornton, J. R. & Sattar, A. (2006). Towards an Efficient SAT Encoding for Temporal Reasoning. CP 2006: 12th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4204, 421-436, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743.
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate how an IA network can be effectively encoded into the SAT domain. We propose two basic approaches to modelling an IA network as a CSP: one represents the relations between intervals as variables and the other represents the relations between end-points of intervals as variables. By combining these two approaches with three different SAT encoding schemes, we produced six encoding schemes for converting IA to SAT. These encodings were empirically studied using randomly generated IA problems of sizes ranging from 20 to 100 nodes. A general conclusion we draw from these experimental results is that encoding IA into SAT produces better results than existing approaches. Further, we observe that the phase transition region maps directly from the IA encoding to each SAT encoding, but, surprisingly, the location of the hard region varies according to the encoding scheme. Our results also show a fixed performance ranking order over the various encoding schemes.
Pham, D. N., Thornton, J. R. & Sattar, A. (2005). Modelling and Solving Temporal Reasoning as Satisfiability. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Modelling and Reformulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Sitges, Spain. pp. 117-131.
Abstract: Recent research has shown that it is often preferable to encode real-world problems as propositional satisfiability (SAT) problems, and then solve using general purpose solvers. In this way the efficiencies of SAT technology can be exploited, and the development of specialised solution techniques can be avoided. However, in the interval algebra (IA) domain of temporal reasoning, the state-of-the-art still involves the use of specialised techniques that exploit the particular structure of interval relations.
In this paper we investigate the feasibility of representing and solving IA problems as SAT problems. We firstly introduce two methods of representing IA as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), and then use three SAT-encoding schemes to produce six different IA to SAT representations. In an empirical study, we examine the performance of existing SAT local and complete search solvers on these SAT representations, and perform a comparison with solvers that operate on native IA representations. Our results show that the best performance over a range of algorithms is produced using a support SAT encoding of a point algebra-based CSP. The results also show that a state-of-the-art complete SAT solver (zChaff) can solve these instances significantly faster than existing IA solvers working on equivalent native IA representations.
Beaumont, M., Thornton, J. R., Sattar, A. & Maher, M. (2004). Solving Over-constrained Temporal Reasoning Problems using Local Search. PRICAI 2004: 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3157, 134-143, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743..
Abstract: Temporal reasoning is an important task in many areas of computer science including planning, scheduling, temporal databases and instruction optimisation for compilers. Given a knowledge-base consisting of temporal relations, the main reasoning problem is to determine whether the knowledge-base is satisfiable, i.e., is there a scenario which is consistent with the information provided. However, many real world problems are over-constrained (i.e. unsatisfiable). To date, there has been little research aimed at solving over-constrained temporal reasoning problems. Recently, we developed standard backtracking algorithms to compute partial scenarios, in the spirit of Freuder and Wallace’s notion of partial satisfaction. While these algorithms were capable of obtaining optimal partial solutions, they were viable only for small problem sizes.
In this paper, we apply local search methods to overcome the deficiencies of the standard approach to solving over-constrained temporal reasoning problems. Inspired by our recent success in efficiently handling reason- ably large satisfiable temporal reasoning problems using local search, we have developed two new local search algorithms using a random restart strategy and a tabu search. Further, we extend our previous constraint weighting algorithm to handle over-constrained problems. An empirical study of these new algorithms was performed using randomly generated under- and over-constrained temporal reasoning problems. We conclude that 1) local search significantly outperforms standard backtracking approaches on over-constrained temporal reasoning problems; and 2) the random restart strategy and tabu search have a superior performance to constraint weighting for the over-constrained problems. We also conjecture that the poorer performance of constraint weighting is due to distortions of non-zero global minima caused by the weighting process.
Stantic, B., Khanna, S. & Thornton, J. R. (2004). An Efficient Method for Indexing Now-relative Bitemporal Data. In ADC 2004: Proceedings of the 15th Australasian Database Conference, Australian Computer Society, pp. 113-122.
Abstract: Most modern database applications involve a significant amount of time dependent data and a substantial proportion of this data is now-relative, current now. While a lot of work has focussed on indexing on temporal data in general, only a little work has addressed the indexing of now-relative data, which is a natural and meaningful part of every temporal database as well as being the focus of most queries. This paper proposes a logical query transformation that relies on the POINT representation of current time and the geometry features of spatial access methods. Logical query transformation enables off-the-shelf Spatial indexes to be used. We empirically prove that this method is very efficient on now-relative Bitemporal data, outperforming the straightforward maximum-timestamp approach by over a factor of 20, both in number of Disk accesses and CPU usage.
Thornton, J. R., Beaumont, M., Sattar, A. & Maher, M. (2004). A Local Search Approach to Modelling and Solving Interval Algebra Problems. Journal of Logic and Computation, 14(1), 93-112, Oxford University Press, ISSN 0955-792X.
Abstract: Local search techniques have attracted considerable interest in the artificial intelligence community since the development of GSAT and the minconflicts heuristic for solving propositional satisfiability (SAT) problems and binary constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) respectively. Newer techniques, such as the discrete Langrangian method (DLM), have significantly improved on GSAT and can also be applied to general constraint satisfaction and optimisation. However, local search has yet to be successfully employed in solving temporal constraint satisfaction problems (TCSPs).
In this paper we argue that current formalisms for representing TCSPs are inappropriate for a local search approach, and we propose an alternative CSP-based end-point ordering model for temporal reasoning. In particular we look at modelling and solving problems formulated using Allen’s interval algebra (IA) and propose a new constraint weighting algorithm derived from DLM. Using a set of randomly generated IA problems, we show that our local search outperforms existing consistency-enforcing algorithms on those problems that the existing techniques find most difficult.
Stantic, B., Thornton, J. R., & Sattar, A. (2003). A Novel Approach to Model NOW in Temporal Databases. In TIME-ICTL 2003: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning / 4th International Conference on Temporal Logic, IEEE, pp. 174-181.
Abstract: In bitemporal databases, current facts and transaction states are modelled using a special value to represent the current time (such as a minimum or maximum timestamp or NULL). Previous studies indicate that the choice of value for now (i.e. the current time) significantly influences the efficiency of accessing bitemporal data. This paper introduces a new approach to represent now, in which current tuples and facts are represented as points on the transaction time and valid time line respectively. This allows us to exploit the computational advantages of point-based query languages. Via an empirical study, we demonstrate that our new approach to representing now offers considerable performance benefits over existing techniques for accessing bitemporal data.
Thornton, J. R., Beaumont, M., Sattar, A. & Maher, M. (2002). Applying Local Search to Temporal Reasoning. In: TIME 2002: 9th International Symposium on Temporal Reasoning and Representation, IEEE, pp. 94-99, ISSN 1530-1311.
Abstract: Local search techniques have attracted considerable interest in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community since the development of GSAT [9] and the min-conflicts heuristic [5] for solving large propositional satisfiability (SAT) problems and binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) respectively. Newer SAT techniques, such as the Discrete Langrangian Method (DLM) [10], have significantly improved on GSAT and can also be applied to general constraint satisfaction and optimisation. However, local search has yet to be successfully employed in solving Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems (TCSPs).
In this paper we argue that current formalisms for representing TCSPs are inappropriate for a local search approach, and we propose an alternative CSP-based endpoint ordering model for temporal reasoning. In particular we look at modelling and solving problems formulated using Allen’s interval algebra (IA) [1] and propose a new constraint weighting algorithm derived from DLM. Using a set of randomly generated IA problems, we show that our local search outperforms Nebel’s backtracking algorithm [6] on larger and more difficult consistent problems.
Beaumont, M., Sattar, A., Maher, M., & Thornton, J. R. (2001). Solving Overconstrained Temporal Reasoning Problems. AI 2001: 14th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2556, 603-614, ISSN 0302-9743.
Abstract: Representing and reasoning with temporal information is an essential part of many tasks in AI such as scheduling planning and natural language processing. Two influential frameworks for representing temporal information are interval algebra and point algebra. Given a knowledgebase consisting of temporal relations the main reasoning problem is to determine whether this knowledgebase is satisfiable i.e. whether there is a scenario which is consistent with the information provided. However, when a given set of temporal relations is unsatisfiable, no further reasoning is performed. We argue that many real world problems are inherently overconstrained and we can not just ignore them, we must address them. This paper investigates approaches for handling overconstrainedness in temporal reasoning. We adapt a well-studied notion of partial satisfaction to define partial scenarios: an optimal partial solution. We propose two reasoning procedures for computing an optimal partial solution to a problem or a complete solution if it exists.